Car Insurance Reviews

Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(409 reviews)
Intact Insurance
1.4 out of 5 stars:
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Intact's "my Driving Discount"

by unhappy on Jan 31, 2015
1.5 out of 5 stars

This review is more about there usage based discounts. We got 2 of their devices for 2 of our vehicles. I would be very impressed with their program, except for the fact that they keep lowering your discount for invalid reasons.

They define a hard braking event, as deceleration of 12km/h (or more) in 1 second. However, on our weekly summaries for both vehicles, they keep including things such as "Deceleration of 13 Km/h in 5 seconds". Slowing down 13km in 5 seconds, is hardly a 'hard braking event', even by their own definition.

If they would actually explain what is happening, and preferably fix it, I wouldn't be writing this review. However, for a month now, they say it is a high priority issue, and still under investigation.

I find it unacceptable that in a month on a high priority issue, nothing has been done. In the mean time, it calculates me low discounts, because I will get 3-4 'hard braking events', which are all invalid!~

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Rate Hike Through the Roof

by SkinnyWallet on Dec 7, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

Shop around. You will find way cheaper insurance than Intact. I bought a newer car. My old car had the basic insurance required by law. Asked my broker for a quote it was 25$ more for full coverage insurance. Intact adjusted it and came back with a number 150% more than I had been paying. Cancelled my insurance with them immediately they took another payment as penalty for cancelling then tried to squeeze out another 60$ admin charge from me. I put a stop payment on my account and will NEVER deal with them again. Shop around there are better rates. Ten minutes on the internet and I can almost guarantee you will find cheaper rates. Avoid Intact.

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Unjustified rate increases !

by on Sep 7, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

My rates kept rising every year, with no claims. After 5 years of getting ripped off, I decided to switch to another insurance company. I had both, auto and home policies. Save your money, do the same !

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Arbitrairy cancellation

by GaryM on Jun 11, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

I have had the misfortune of dealing with Intact. First problem was a misquote from my broker. I paid over $600 up front for what I thought was a year of coverage. Intact raised the rate by $300?? I spoke to my broker May 9th who told me to wait until mid-June when I was to send balance.
I work out of town and out of country. No one from my broker or Intact contacted me to say Intact wanted payment on May 9th. Intact without contacting me, cancelled my policy and, I am told, included a CHEQUE for $260?! I have been driving for 3 weeks with no insurance. My life could have been destroyed by these people. They won't put policy back in force because of "NON-PAYMENT"!! Non-payment and you send me a cheque?
Don't trust these people.
I buy insurance thinking, they've got my back. God help anyone who is as naive as I was.

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dont bother.

by hockeygirl6teen on Feb 18, 2014
1 out of 5 stars

As an 19yr old female under my parents name, i was paying a whoping 272 a month. For the lowest everything.... so pretty much just having it to be legal. After months, i just got to thinking how rediculous that amount really is. I even completed my G and notified them, and they didnt drop my rate even though i was then a better qualified driver. I called and asked why itdidnt drop in price. Customerservice couldnt give me a straight answer, or one that made sense at that. After three times of her trying to justify why it didnt drop in price i said enough. Hung up. Started searching around. I saw no potential in ever paying less in price from intact insurance. Plus, customer service ... was rude. Needless to say, i switched. I now pay 188. Thats right 84 dollars cheaper a month. Enough said. A 50min phone call to another insurer (girl who set me up was polite and didn’t act like you waste her time) …made me feel like I won the lottery. Switch today.

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Poor customer service

by Michael on Jul 9, 2013
1.5 out of 5 stars

Drove for 2 years with no tickets, no claims. Had a minor at fault fender scratcher and expected my rates to go up a reasonable amount. I sent in all the requested documents and photos and asked that the agent respond as soon as she had more info regarding the claim. 60 days and 5 emails later, I still have no detailed claim against me and no estimate for the increase to my policy, nothing. Of the 5 emails I have only received 1 response, which only told me it was "to early" (this was 41 days) to tell me anything. However, 60 days later (still with no more information or replies), I have received my renewal papers detailing a 56% increase in premium. This is unacceptably bad customer service. They don't have enough information to tell me anything about the claim, yet they have enough to justify a 56% increase in premium? I would not recommend this company to anyone. Pay the extra to get a company that will respond intelligently within 2 months.

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motorcycle insurance

by Gord on Feb 1, 2013
1 out of 5 stars

I was with Jevco for many years. Premium was consistent ($800-$850 yearly). No claims, no violations, completely clean driving record. For 2013, Intact raised my insurance 50% for no reason except I am helping them pay for the Jevco acquisition.

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