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Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(409 reviews)
Intact Insurance
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Do not honor replacement value

by JD on Jan 3, 2019
1.5 out of 5 stars

In August we had a collision with a dear and we have a replacement value clause on our insurance contract. The car was not severally damaged but the airbags deployed. Intact took 1 month just to figure out if it was a total loss or not. After fiddling with the evaluation report (putting ridiculously low hourly rates) they managed to pass it as a repair. When I was contacted to recuperate the car I asked for the total costs and it totalled $27000 + $5000 for the courtesy car. Today they refuse to pay the rental company for the courtesy car and they are holding our deposit and after such a pricey repair on the car, it is now worthless (lost about $10000 of it's resell value). If you want replacement value, do not go with Intact, they will find any way of not replacing your car.

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Get Their Facts

by Burned in Kitchener on Dec 7, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I was hit in a roundabout (low impact, front corner fender bent, not my fault). Intact over-estimated the repair, and undervalued the car (2005 Prius), to force a write-off on minor damage. Intact's estimate to repair was $1700 more than a competitive estimate to repair, by another certified insurance estimator. Intact refused to recognize the lower estimate. Both estimators confirmed the car was repairable. Intact insisted on writing my car off. I insisted on getting the basis of their evaluation of my car's value before I would sign my car over to them. All six quotes they had averaged were invalid: the cars had much more mileage (100,000 km more than mine), and/or were different years, and/or were not in the same area (one was over 500km away), sold more than 60 days previously, and prices had all been reduced by 8% than the asking prices for "presumed negotiation reduction" which had not happened. I know, because one quote was my own purchase of my own car a few months earlier (I had paid the asking price), and I called the rest of the contacts directly. As soon as Intact made their first write-off offer, they cancelled my rental car. Pushing back on their under-evaluation resulted in Intact increasing their payback to me by $1000 after 5 weeks of emails and phone calls. 9 months later my "written-off" car was found posted for sale again online, with a CLEAN accident report. Do not deal with this company. And do not trust clean accident reports when buying used cars.

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Disgusting ignorance

by garyzgirl on Dec 6, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

August 27th at 6 am I was taking my husband into work, some idiot in an SUV got into the oncoming traffic lane and tried to push my car off the road in a construction area for no reason. I had a small truck in front of my car and my 2 young boys under 8 years old in my car. This man threatened to hit my car, pulled away then drove into me and along my car. At the start, Intact was great but then the nonsense started. They won't fix the safety issues left on my car from the accident. They tell me to take it to a shop to verify damages. All that's wrong with my car is where I was hit, Intact says, no, it's the age of my car - 10 years old but safetied 2 years ago and maintained well since... I had only made the claim because there is a big loss here, the bodywork they covered was 1700$, the safety stuff they deny is 2200$. I'm 3.5 months into this claim. They suck at following up and do not adhere to their end. Previously I was a claim-free driver, 6-star rating. They hold me 100% not at fault but won't fix my car. I had another vehicle that was hit and I reported it but made no claim as the safety of that vehicle was not compromised. No claim, just let them know. Then, 3 months later, someone tried to steal that vehicle. The police report: driver door was non-functional due to the theft attempt. No claim, just reported... now I need the insurance annum left to figure it out. You would think in this situation I have shown I'm not out to nickel and dime them then I'm treated like trash when I need what I pay for monthly... guess I shouldn't uphold my end to them, oh wait I do that and I'm in trouble and uninsured. What happens when they fail to do their part.... nothing. Find an honorary company. My vehicle was even taken to their preferred shop. thought doing that would guarantee my vehicle would be repaired properly and with no issues - man am I wrong.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.

Do not trust Intact

by Very unimpressed customer on Sep 21, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

Do not bother with this company for insurance. I was in an accident months ago from a yield sign being moved behind a tree by drunks. A massive truck and trailer were also parked in front of the sign as well, making it impossible to see. I had a witness at the scene that saw these individuals move the sign, I took pictures, I called the city and I wrote down the licence plates of the vehicles parked illegally. Apparently, it wasn’t enough and was found 100% accountable for the accident. Fast forward to a few months later and because I needed to pay for bodywork in order for a new light to be put into place, Intact stopped covering me. I recently got this light fixed and was going to change my insurance plan. However, when I looked at my bank account today there was $320 withdrawn from my account for no coverage. I do not fully blame insurance because there were other factors involved, but I do know I was royally screwed. So, thank you Intact for bending me over when I needed a reliable and professional company to help prove that I wasn’t at least fully at fault for my accident and providing nothing but unnecessary debt. Peace.

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Worst insurance company Seen

by Saleh on Aug 28, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I am tired of this runaround over my C63 AMG Mercedes accident. This is a not at fault claim that should have been dealt with right away. I have been told lies about the shop not allowing your staff appraiser to inspect my car. The shop showed me their surveillance system and it didn't show any Intact appraiser coming into the shop. Aside from that this is the worst customer service experience I've had ever had. The estimate you guys sent the body shop isn't even enough to fix my car and is missing major parts also the hood price in the estimate is completely different than my original hood price. I am not going to wait any longer and I am going to have to contact my lawyer to deal with this situation because I have run out of patience and time. My car is a special edition vehicle, the parts are hard to find and I had a custom vinyl wrap installed onto the car which wasn't even included in the estimate. The body shop has been trying to get ahold of you for weeks now and they haven't gotten any response from you. They even called your manager and he hung up the phone on them which is very unprofessional. They even called him back and left him a voicemail to attend to this issue over my car and even the manager did not answer them back. On the other hand, I've mentioned that before, I can't stay longer than this in Canada but they don't do anything about me. They enforced me to move my car from the shop I chose to one of their shop which is they can do whatever they WANT in my car, even use aftermarket parts as they told me on the phone. Also, the first adjuster called me one time only in the beginning of the claim to move the car to their shop, that's it. Then I asked them to move my car to another adjuster, even when they moved it to the new adjuster, the new adjuster never called me once. I did many calls to the Intact company to talk to the adjuster or her manager but nothing happened, no one called me, I really don't understand why they treat their customers like that. It is the worst experience I have seen

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Fraudulent, can't be trusted

by Pookems on Aug 7, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I was in a car accident Dec 2017, a truck hit me, not much damage to my car back fender, side panel buckle, my navi radio screen blink off and on then it didn't work. My injuries: rotator cuff ripped at 80% right arm, whiplash to my back and neck, severe vertigo. My car went to the auto body shop, which I was told it was still driveable. After the accident, I had electrical issues with the car, the headlights, high beams, the radio would come on or off periodically, my car turned off on its own. Obviously, I had electrical issues, my car was serviced the day before and nothing was noted with having issues. Intact called the dealership for them to look at my car. Codes came up and I was told to talk to my insurance, no one told me the codes. The dealership, they are getting paid by the insurance and they work for the insurance that I need to talk to them. Intact told me it wasn't accident-related. Finally, I talk to a lawyer friend of mine who said to me: call insurance now, your car is unsafe to drive. Prior to many conversations with Intact, they wouldn't put me in a rental. Finally, after the talk with the lawyer, they got me in a rental within 15 mins. The auto body shop did a partial tear down, they couldn't say for sure if it was accident-related or not but said if the customer comes in and says this is what happened, then they feel as that is what happened. Then the auto body shop told me that my car was unsafe to drive and they wouldn't drive it either, so the car sat at the auto body shop for a couple more weeks. Intact said if the auto body shop said it could be the cause, they would write my car off. They didn't keep to their word, Intact sent me an email saying that I had 24 hrs to agree on getting the bumper fixed and also agreeing to get the bumper fixed. I am also agreeing the electrical is not caused by the accident. I wouldn't agree to this, 'cause if I have electrical problems and this car is unsafe to drive, I could cause an accident or even kill someone, I don't want that burden. I wouldn't agree to that, so Intact told me to take the car back to the car rental place and which I did, I still had 5-6 wks of car rental left and they would let me use it. Intact also wasn't rushing me to get medical health, the adjuster said to me that I could walk to physio. It was approx 2 km walk, I have severe health issues and have a handicap permit, I am on heavy pain medication and told him I can barely walk a few feet. He would still argue with me on why I couldn't walk, meanwhile, it was the middle of winter and the weather was approx -17 -20. I always have high blood pressure and asthma. It took a month for Intact to take me out of minor injury, I finally got into the second one and I received a letter last week stating I have no housekeeping, no benefits now my injuries are back to minor. Through the accident I am unable to clean and look after my house, I live alone, I'm almost at the point of being homeless I am just on a fixed income on a long-term disability. I wouldn't suggest Intact to anyone. This has been a nightmare for me, they don't care about their clients. 9 months I have been fighting with them, 9 months of not receiving anything from them, 9 months of not getting paid out on my car. What kind of insurance company does this? Why wouldn't they help? Why would they want me to suffer ? My life has been hell! Because of Intact I would have never thought this kind of thing happens in Canada

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Be carefull with INTACT

by FrustratedMule on May 17, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

I was rear-ended over a month ago. 2017 Honda Civic Hatchback sport 6spd. It took 2 weeks for their preferred shop to get a quote. Quote was only $1500. Not that much. After 3.5 weeks, I was told I could go get my car and it was all done. When I went to pick it up, from 20 feet away, I could tell the back bumper was out of alignment. The skirt kit was out of alignment, and there were red and white paint scuffs on the newly painted bumper. Terrible work. This is their preferred shop. No Attention to detail. No accountability. BE WARNED. It took over a week with me calling INTACT and trying to get a manager to help handle this claim. I was told by several of their employees I need a managers approval to change shops and get the repairs done properly as CARSTAR seemed to struggle and tried to give back my car that wasn't 100%. Almost every day I called and got the same runaround and that manager would call me right back. Took 8 Days (business days) to finally get a hold of her, and it was me that called her and waited on hold for her to be available. I waited on hold for over 30 mins and was told she was at a meeting and then conveniently she got out of the meeting when I asked for her manager. So 8 business days and over 8 calls just to get a callback and it was me that had to do all the work. The excuse was she was busy. Who isn't? I can't imagine not calling back one of my paying customers in over 8 days. They wouldn't be a customer for long. Terrible service. No FOLLOW UP. NO ACCOUNTABILITY. But they happily take my money every month. DO BETTER, INTACT! This has been a terrible experience for my claim. This is how you lose customers

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5 months and counting

by Notright999 on Apr 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

It shouldn't take an insurance company 5+ months to fix a vehicle they say is fixable. If it takes this long to fix a vehicle, the vehicle should be replaced. Waste of money and time. To think I pay over 5k a year to this company and they can't even get anything done in a timely manner. Ps. They send the vehicles to Carstar... Do not let your vehicle go there.

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by Intactless on Oct 19, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Insurance is meant for the unfortunate event of an accident. If premiums are paid coverage is expected! We had a vehicle involved in an accident that incurred $3k in damages. Car was still worth $11K. Intact chose to write the vehicle off despite the damages being very repairable! We were using there GPS modules that tracked driving habits. With these GPS units we were getting regular reports showing how the drivers in our house were doing. As for the car they wrote off! We were still receiving reports months after the car was supposed to be in the scrap yard! Seems that someone at Intact perpetrated fraud by writing the vehicle off, then buying it at scrap value and repairing it for road use.

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Write off claim

by taytay on Aug 4, 2017
1 out of 5 stars

Was the third party of a claim where a cube van driver popped the front bumper of my 2008 Mazda 3 off. After waiting 2 weeks to have it towed to impacts assessment lot, they finally call me 3 days after having it at their location to tell me that the damages to my car are 3000$. She tried to tell me that my car is worth 4000 when I just looked up its black book value at around 6000, as well as aluminum alloy rims on it. They now are giving me the option of taking 4000$ for a 6250$ car or taking it back with maybe 2000 for repairs and a rebuilt status (meaning it has been rebuilt from ground up) even without structural damages. I purchased this car no more than 2 months ago and now have to get it ripped away from me. After this experience I can never suggest Intact auto insurance to another being. I was also talked to with a very demining tone. Worst insurance experience possible and I've only been with them for 3 months. I have been without a car for 2 and half weeks now and they have not offered a rental. I will be glad to be taking my money elsewhere and hope most, if not all, of you do as well, cheers.

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