Car Insurance Reviews

Intact Insurance Auto Insurance Reviews

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(409 reviews)
Intact Insurance
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Be carefull with INTACT

by FrustratedMule on May 17, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

I was rear-ended over a month ago. 2017 Honda Civic Hatchback sport 6spd. It took 2 weeks for their preferred shop to get a quote. Quote was only $1500. Not that much. After 3.5 weeks, I was told I could go get my car and it was all done. When I went to pick it up, from 20 feet away, I could tell the back bumper was out of alignment. The skirt kit was out of alignment, and there were red and white paint scuffs on the newly painted bumper. Terrible work. This is their preferred shop. No Attention to detail. No accountability. BE WARNED. It took over a week with me calling INTACT and trying to get a manager to help handle this claim. I was told by several of their employees I need a managers approval to change shops and get the repairs done properly as CARSTAR seemed to struggle and tried to give back my car that wasn't 100%. Almost every day I called and got the same runaround and that manager would call me right back. Took 8 Days (business days) to finally get a hold of her, and it was me that called her and waited on hold for her to be available. I waited on hold for over 30 mins and was told she was at a meeting and then conveniently she got out of the meeting when I asked for her manager. So 8 business days and over 8 calls just to get a callback and it was me that had to do all the work. The excuse was she was busy. Who isn't? I can't imagine not calling back one of my paying customers in over 8 days. They wouldn't be a customer for long. Terrible service. No FOLLOW UP. NO ACCOUNTABILITY. But they happily take my money every month. DO BETTER, INTACT! This has been a terrible experience for my claim. This is how you lose customers

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Review topics

My driving discount app

by Intact customer on May 5, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

This app sounds appealing as a record of event-free driving could result in a discount on premiums. Instead, the app is unreliable recording events that didn’t happen. The tendency is to drive to the app rather than to actual road conditions. It’s frankly a dangerous app when the incentive is a discount for not breaking rapidly when conditions warrant it or not, accelerating to avoid a situation as either of those responses results in a reduction in possible discount. To prevent being penalized for responding to traffic conditions, the user simply says they are a passenger. Yet optimal driving conditions still register phantom hard breaks or accelerations. Intact has made a poor choice in predicting a discount on an unreliable app.

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Please stay away from Intact.

by Voila on Apr 23, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

A yellow cabbie drove unsafe, cut me off and pressed the brakes, I rear-ended him barely you could see 2 scratches on his car. So I called Intact insurance and explained to them. They said not to worry at all, they will take care of the claim. 3 months later Yellow Cab sent me a letter that the damage on their car is 1200$. So I called the insurance again and they said not to worry at all. Intact refused to accept the picture of a tiny crack line on my bumper. There was no way for 1200$ damage or body injuries... Thank you for throwing me under the bus, I really trusted your insurance to be there when I needed. It took you guys 8 months and voila.

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Did you know that on average Ontario drivers with good driving records pay $1,805/year in auto insurance? Is your insurance rate higher? Get a free car insurance quote and start saving today.

5 months and counting

by Notright999 on Apr 17, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

It shouldn't take an insurance company 5+ months to fix a vehicle they say is fixable. If it takes this long to fix a vehicle, the vehicle should be replaced. Waste of money and time. To think I pay over 5k a year to this company and they can't even get anything done in a timely manner. Ps. They send the vehicles to Carstar... Do not let your vehicle go there.

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Raised my rates over 12%

by govinsurance on Apr 13, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

They raised my rates in one year with no valid reason. I have no tickets or claims in the last 20 years. Here was their response when I asked why. Insurance cost has been increasing due to the fact that Private Passenger Vehicle claims continue to rise significantly across Canada. This trend has been driven in part by higher repair costs due to various factors including the complexity of modern vehicles, increases in bodily injury settlements and more frequent losses as a result of distracted driving. Never mind they made 12 percent profit on a billion dollars last year.

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Money Grab Crappy Claims

by FordKid on Apr 3, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

My father is currently on the phone trying to reason with them over a scrape on the side of his brand new 2017 Ford F150 and the company is refusing to pay more than a quarter of the damage which is 900 dollars worth of damage.. he pays 120 a month in insurance premiums and this company can't cover him. What a crock.

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If you have a good driving record in AB, you should pay around $110/month (women - $105/month and men - $113/month). Do you overpay? Get an Alberta car insurance quote to start saving.


by Anonymous on Mar 27, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I was trying to tell them my side of the story and they wouldn't listen... at first, I got a 0 fault 0 deductible. Then a week later when I'm scheduled to go in to get work done, they tell me they can't move forward because I have a 500 deductible and I'm at fault... I have full coverage. I got passed around from adjuster to adjuster and even disputed my claim and had one agent say to me that if you're at a 4-way stop and someone is going straight through the stop sign and someone had their indicators turn and it being their turn, they turned and got smoked, it would be the guy's that's turning fault. You people sicken me. I was pulling out of a parking lot and already on the road when someone illegally indicated a turn and smoked the side of my car. Someone who has DUI on their license and restrictions... not to mention on Facebook he's a drug dealer and a crack head. But they're just going with him because he was going straight and already in travel. I'm changing companies after all is said and done! Can't believe anyone pays you guys to take care of their vehicles. You're all horrible people looking for money. Especially when my family got the rental, you tried to ask us if we wanted extra coverage. We have full coverage dummies!

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by Honest Guy on Mar 24, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

So Intact, I cancelled my policy 2 years ago, with you, went to get new insurance, found out I was still being charged by you which was NSF after I signed the cancellation, and you didn't sign it on your end. Step 2: I called to tell you what the...! And you argued with me it was my fault? Step3: I can't get insurance with anyone else because it is now cancellation due to nonpayment?... even though I CANCELLED!!! Step4: I can't get insurance with anyone else in Canada without paying 3000 up front... wow that sucks how can I feed my kids now when my wife doesn't work... thanks. Step:5 so after fighting with you and you admitting to me it was your fault, I didn't get reimbursed and you didn't take the cancellation due to non-payment ?!?!?! What is wrong with you people, have you lost your sense of morality and humanity?!?! Step6: now I'm stuck with Intact for another year because you know... I can't just have insurance and you're the only one I could do 300$ a month what used to be 158/m before you didn't cancel my policy when I asked... Step7: I finish my term call 2 months prior to say I'm cancelling and getting set up with Cooperators... and you agree. I sign the cancellation agreement and the lady says "you will NOT be charged again". Hah, I believed it too. Step8: you charged me when I have another policy with Cooperators after I signed another cancellation agreement!!!! What in the sweet Lord are you guys trying to pull on people?!?!?! I will not give in to this anymore, I'm contacting everyone to tell my story, I want the recordings of my phone calls with your reps that said: "okay, you are now cancelled, thank you very much"... Step9: I'm waiting to hear from you still about giving me my money you stole from me, +NSF charges on your end and on the banks end. Plus this month that you charged me while I'm WITH ANOTHER POLICY!!! And plus the NSF charge I will get from my bills that came out after you charged me. I have kids eating kd and broccoli for 3 nights in a row because you took that 237$ this month. You are demons sucking ticks draining what is left of the good human.

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Business in bad faith

by Bipin on Mar 24, 2018
1.5 out of 5 stars

We get insurance to have peace of mind when the unfortunate happens. Well, Intact screwed me completely. They denied my claim because the car was insured under me while the car was registered under my wife. I explained to the agent that I had mentioned this to the broker when I was insuring the car. Intact took no responsibility and said that it was mentioned in the file that the car was registered under my wife, therefore they would not cover the claim. I then spoke to the broker and of course, they also denied responsibility and I'm down 5k. Intact also denied to cover any towing and rental fees which was part of the contract, and ending up costing another thousand dollars only because Intact and the broker couldn't communicate properly and made me keep the rental an extra week, while I also paid for my car's impound cost!! I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford the expenses on my own, but if you do plan on going with Intact, make sure to specify all the specs about your car and the exact amount of KM you will be doing per year, it would be a shame if tell them you do 15 000 annually and end up 15 001 and your claim is denied!

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Bad driving record? Your insurance rates can be double the standard insurance rate. Let us help you get the better auto insurance rate without breaking the bank.

It is the worst app ever!

by albert on Mar 22, 2018
1 out of 5 stars

I will comment in my experience and you will judge by yourself. I have this app since November 2017. Problems started right away because the app was picking and choosing the trips that it wanted to judge. I complain and nothing good came out of it. And that has been an ongoing issue, never fixed. The worst happened this week. I went to VOLUNTEER for an Association in one casino in Calgary. When I came back, late at night, the app took 10% OFF my discount because I drove during a "dangerous" time of the day (from 12 AM to 4 AM) and I shouldn't!!! Are they saying that we shouldn't volunteer anymore, at that time? It said that I should be extra cautious. The average speed on my route was 69 km/h, and I was driven on Deerfoot and Stoney Trail most of the time. Do I need to be more cautious than that? Did the app praise me because of my cautious driving?There wasn't ANYBODY OR ANYTHING surrounding my car. Did the app notice? They said that I needed to rest before this trip. I had rested the entire afternoon before I went volunteering as the volunteering occurred from 6:45 PM to 3:15 AM. Did the app know that? How is it possible that they judge you just because of TIME OF THE DAY?? Then, when you try to contact them, they just come with "workbook" messages that do not address your situation at all. If you insist, they send you to your insurance broker and, voilá!! Here is the barrier that they want to put up between you and them, so you lose your power!! People are just unprepared to handle the situations and they should be ashamed of calling themselves customer services. Also, I had driven so far 452 km. Out of this 452 km only 13,6 km where during the "bad hours". Still, they took off 10%, which is completely out of proportion, do your math! Furthermore, they pick the trips they want to judge. How do I know that? Well, they had used the return from the casino, but there is no mention of the trips towards the casino!!! Also, I had driven more than 2,000 km since November 2017, but only 452 were marked down. Buyers, be aware!! These are a scheme. Don't fall for it. I have to stay on, otherwise, they won't give me back my discount! And they won't give back the 10% off because, according to them, I have to work for it! For something that they shouldn't have taken in the first place!! My recommendation is: Don't be fooled and do not get into this trap.

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