Car Insurance Reviews
Aviva Auto Insurance Reviews
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(478 reviews)

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Accident Forgiveness (2)
Agent/rep attitude (26)
Agent/rep availability (22)
Agent/rep callbacks (14)
Agent/rep knowledge (19)
Agent/rep language skills (1)
Billing/payments (127)
Broker experience (3)
Cancellation experience (86)
Cancellation fee (3)
Claim - adjuster (30)
Claim - denial (10)
Claim - injuries (5)
Claim - not-at-fault (13)
Claim - rental car (31)
Claim - repair shop (38)
Claim - total loss (3)
Claim - towing (3)
Claim - windshield/glass (7)
Claim payout amount (15)
Claim processing time (28)
Complaints/ombudsman (45)
COVID Handling (5)
Discounts, deals, rewards (8)
Email/message wait time (6)
Insurance Rates, Prices (74)
Interact. Voice Response (1)
Late payment fee / NSF (2)
Legal actions (4)
New purchase experience (3)
On-hold times/transfers (3)
Paper mail experience (2)
Parking/pausing policy (1)
Phone wait times (11)
Policy changes experience (3)
Policy clarity (3)
Policy coverage (101)
Rates after claim (1)
Rates at renewal (9)
Rates competitiveness (6)
Rates for bad drivers (2)
Rates for good drivers (36)
Rates for second driver (2)
Rates for seniors (3)
Rates for students (2)
Rates in bundle (37)
Refund (2)
Renewal experience (3)
Trailer/motorhome (8)
Website experience (1)
Review author
Called in Aviva this morning and was given the option to text, which I chose as it’s more convenient. Was really amazed by the unprofessional team running the chat. I have been working in customer service for more than 10 years and never experienced this.
The agent responded to my text saying-
1. Please advise them to send in photos time stamped for review. Thank you for using the Auto text chat.
2. Until we receive photos from the tow service team we can not make any decisions on additional repair coverage, we apologize if this is not the answer you were looking for.
Firstly, while I was chatting the agent just shut down the conversation saying thank you for using our chat whereas I was not done yet. Secondly, was given this blunt response apologizing if it’s not the answer you were looking for, where I was just asking n raising my concern on the claim.